Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Bit of Explanation

Hey one and all,
I hope life is treating you well and that CRPS is being kind to you today. I pray that it is.

This post I simply want to try and explain how much this event means to both Kaylee and I, and how much we appreciate all the support you are giving us. When we began throwing ideas around, thinking that an international CRPS meet up would be awesome, we never thought that we would get the response we have had. Our cause has over 100 fans on facebook. There are 15 confirmed guests for the event, and many more who may be attending. This is amazing. Words can't explain how blown away we are. So, that's our first thanks!

Being both teenagers, Kaylee and I have had more than our share of doctors not treating us like responsible adults, preferring to talk over our heads at our parents. This has frustrated me from the very beginning and I have gone to great measures in an attempt for them to talk to me like the mature person I am. The fact that people are taking us seriously with CRPS Retreat means so much. Nobody is letting our age hinder them in believing in this event. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

University has begun for me now, and physically it is exhausting. More than I can handle. But as I struggle to get to my next class, which, of course, is on the other side of campus, I just think "CRPS Retreat. Just remember that." And do you know what? It works. I get to my class, worse for wear, but smiling.

So, people say actions speak louder than words, and while Kaylee and I struggle to find the words to properly explain how excited we are about this event, I have tried, and I hope that at least a fraction of our excitement comes through in this blog :)

Love you all so much. xx love Kaylee and Ailsa xx

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